Make 2024 your best year yet for traveling in a new or used RV! One way you can do that is by keeping a travel log or diary. Check out our RV tips below for why and how to keep one. It can help you improve the way you travel!

Daily Plans
Outline your daily itinerary in your travel log entries. This includes any attractions or activities, restaurants or reservations. You’d be surprised at how this will become a useful reference when planning upcoming trips.
Climate & Conditions
Keep track of the weather each day. This is definitely a factor that can impact your activities and different experiences (planned or not!)…and is something that can hugely help planning and decision making down the road. For instance, visiting some destinations in the “off season” may mean beautifully mild temperatures – and significantly higher chances of rain, putting outdoor activities at risk of getting rained out. Traveling during the off season may mean that some forms of entertainment or attractions are offered only during the weekend – or maybe they have weekday discounts! Keeping track of the weather and seasonal changes will help you make smart planning decisions later.
Traveling Companions
Make sure you mention in your travel diary entry who you traveled with on this particular outing. Did you enjoy a romantic getaway? Was it a camping trip with the kids and grandkids? Keeping a log of who you traveled with on every trip – and the sleeping arrangements everyone had in your new or used RV – will help streamline plans in the future.
Problem Solving
Real life is real life, and even the best vacations can have minor obstacles or challenges arise. Record any challenges you face during the trip as well as the solutions you found. This could range from navigating high traffic to a less-than-ideal campsite (right next to noisy neighbors!) to a roadside breakdown. It’s just as important to document what you did to move past the obstacle – both for future reference, and as a testament to yourself that minor challenges don’t have the power to ruin an entire vacation.
Personal Reflections
If you already keep a diary, this will be easy! And if you’re not, it’s a great time to start. Jot down just a few sentences every day to reflect on your experiences that day. Was there something you particularly liked or didn’t like? Was there an unexpected simple pleasure like a sunset walk with your family – or new experiences like renting kayaks? Taking the time to write down just 2-3 sentences every day will be a gift to yourself that you’ll treasure for years to come.
Local Flair
No matter where you go in the United States, you’ll find unforgettable local experiences in every region – and you’ll want to keep track of that for return experiences! Ask for recommendations for local favorite restaurants and entertainment. It’s those really unique experiences that make a vacation memorable!
Your travel log is a collection of your experiences – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Treat it like the valuable keepsake it is! Keep your travel diary in the way that works for you whether it’s a travel blog or a handwritten journal. Making travel arrangements in the future is made easier when you have a clear memory on your prior road trips, and keeping a travel diary will help immensely!
We’re ready to help you get ready for spring in a new or used RV. Stop in or contact us today!